By Stuart Barrow – Occupational Therapist As Occupational Therapists we work within numerous areas, but the common goal is to create purposeful occupation through therapeutic intervention. Often, we have to balance the ability to provide reablement with the...
As our population ages, health and wellbeing issues develop. Compromised mobility is a common problem which can lead to chronic challenges such as loss of self-esteem, plus isolation and loneliness if living alone. Equally, other members of a shared household or...
A simple guide for Occupational Therapists If you are supporting a client with restricted mobility, you are continually aware they might be at risk of a fall when using the stairs in their home. Falls can result in medical intervention as well as ongoing care during...
An increasing number of older people live with long-term health conditions and restricted mobility, meaning independent living is more important than ever. According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), there are nearly nine million people in the UK over the...
If mobility becomes challenging due to age, disability, or health issues, use of stairs can increase the risk of injury in the home. Relevant home adaptations can prevent trips and falls, leading to increased independence and mental wellbeing. The NHS states that...
This guide details: Your client’s rights to a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Clinical justification for a home lift Home lifts and reduction of pressure on the NHS Why a home lift could be more beneficial than a stairlift How and when to apply The legislation you...